As the COVID pandemic continues, it's more important than ever to be regularly disinfecting your motorcycle and gear. But using the wrong process or products can fail to result in the clean you desire - or can cause expensive damage to your belongings!

Here at Mission City Indian Motorcycle, we strive to make your life easier. That's why we created the following guide to disinfecting your motorcycle and gear during the COVID pandemic. If you have questions or want to shop Indian Motorcycle gear for sale, head over to our dealership. We are based in Boerne, Texas, and also serve those in San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi.

Get Yourself Ready

There may be germs existing on your motorcycle and/or gear. It's important to protect yourself against these during the cleaning process, especially since they may be COVID-related. Throw on a mask and a pair of gloves. Make sure you also avoid touching your face and eyes as you clean.

Get Your Motorcycle Ready

Place your motorcycle on the main stand. By putting the bike in a balanced position, the cleaning and disinfecting process will be easier. Just verify that the motorcycle is fully cooled down before you drench it with water.

Disinfecting The Motorcycle

Start by giving your motorcycle a standard wash. Rinse, suds up, then rinse again. This will help remove any grime and potential COVID germs from the frame.

The next step is to target the frequently touched surfaces, such as the touchscreen and handlebars. Be careful not to use cleaning products that are too abrasive! These can cause damage. Instead, check the manufacturer's recommendations to find the cleaning products that are most compatible with the given surface material.

Disinfecting A Motorcycle Helmet

Start by taking out any removable pads, then wash them according to the manufacturer's recommendation. Then, use a disinfecting spray. Try to use one that's designed for motorcycle helmets to reduce the risk of damage.

Disinfecting Riding Gloves

Try to wash these regularly and avoid storing them in your helmet, which can transfer germs from the gloves into a recently-cleaned helmet.

It's helpful to own two pairs of riding gloves. That way, you will always have a pair if one is in the laundry.

Once You've Finished

Toss the clothes that you were wearing into the laundry, then take a shower. This will help remove germs on your clothing and skin. It'll also help remove any dust or grime that came up during the disinfection process.

Ready to shop Indian motorcycle gear for sale? Visit Mission City Indian Motorcycle. Our experts can help you find whatever you need. Our dealership is located in Boerne, Texas, and we also serve those in San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi.